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Jingzhou Released New Regulation: Discredit in Enterprises Will be Recorded in the“Black List”
Updated: 2018-12-07 10:38:30

In order to form the socialorientation of “trustworthy Business getting benefits from every aspect while dishonest enterprises limitedin every field” andcreate an honest social environment, in the past few days, Jingzhou releasedthe Suggestions on the Implementation of Establishingand Improving Integrity Joint Incentives and Dishonesty Joint Punishment andAccelerating Social Integrity (hereafter referred as Suggestion).

The Suggestion put forwards that, according to the Provisional Regulation of Company Information Announcement,relevant information of involved companies will be publicized at the “national company credit information publicity system” so as to form a full-coverage, public and transparentcredit information record information system. Typical “red list” of integrity and “black list” of serious dishonest subjects will be released toregulate the formulation and releasing of both red and black list. A group ofintegrity companies will be selected and promoted and typical cases ofintegrity incentives and dishonest punishment will be combed and sorted out everymonth. Key fields such as food and drug safety, cereal safety, environmentalprotection, and equity investment and encourage social organizations andindividuals to search “black list” of dishonest companies so as to lower the credit risks.

In order to open “rapid transit lane” for integrity companies, companies with non-dishonestyrecord for three years in a row can take convenient service measures of “zero-tolerance acceptance” in accordance with actual situation. Priority will begiven to honest companies and individuals when conducting all kinds of preferentialpolicies of financial fund project arrangement and investment attraction. Marketsupervision and professional examination to integrity companies that conform tocertain conditions will be optimized and reduced. Financial organizations will grantmore preferential policies and conveniences to integrity companies.

Dishonest companies will be includedin “black list”. Serious dishonest behaviors refer to that company severelyendanger people's health and life safety, disrupt the order of fair competitionin the market and the normal order of society, refuse to fulfill legal andnational defense obligations, and other regulated by the rules. Companies withserious dishonest behaviors will be strictly followed the examination andapproval in accordance with rules and regulations. Indexing by unified socialcredit code, it will be barred from leaving the country, purchasing realestate, taking planes or G-series high-speed trains. It will be punished withwarnings or criticized in a circulated notice in the industry by associationsor chambers of commerce.

Going forward, Jingzhou SocialCredit System Establishment Steering Group will give full play to the role ofleadership and supervision to regularly host joint conference of social creditsystem construction member units and report the progress, promote theconstruction of Jingzhou’ social credit system in Jingzhou as a whole, andformulate easily operational professional supporting system based on actualsituation as per the responsibilities of all member units. Jingzhou CreditOffice will enhance the supervision and examination of work implementation andinclude it into the inspection scope of comprehensive management objectiveresponsibility.

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